The World does not need another Boss

There was a time when Boss was a greeting used most often by males, i.e. “What’s up Boss” or “Hey Boss Man” but now it is more likely to be synonymous with “Oh, that Boss.”

Do not be that person – the world does not need another “Boss”.

A person who rules with an iron fist and is a delegator (read dictator) instead of a Leader. At some point, nearly everyone has experienced this person. You know the one, the person that causes great people to leave companies. The person whose only interest is self-interest. They treat every person with indifference and view them as a necessary casualty if they do not serve their cause.

Do not be that person – the world does not need another “Boss”.

This person in position of authority and power, who uses it and people for self-gain. They are willing to take all the credit, and none of the blame. They demand respect, but it is not reciprocal. In fact, they are known to be harsh, unforgiving, and difficult to be in the presence of. They believe the purpose of teamwork is so that they do not have to do much of the work themselves.

Rather, they demand loyalty, blood, sweat, and tears by their employees to make them look good. And you better believe they will be quick to take all the credit for your success. But not to worry, they are more than willing for you take all the blame when things do not go as planned.

Do not be that person – the world does not need another “Boss”.

The person no one likes, everyone tolerates, maybe even fears, and causes chaos and mayhem amongst the ranks. The person who inflicts stress and misery, is prone to verbal atrocities, and believes everyone else is a difficult person. This person seems to move through the ranks on the backs of everyone who worked hard but never received any acknowledgment. This person has everyone believing in their abilities, buying into their success, and reaping the rewards that should be bestowed to those who made it possible.

Do not be that person – the world does not need another “Boss”.

That person may go far, rise to the top, but they fall hard. They are not capable of sustaining the image, and eventually they are found out. See, employee disengagement will become so evident it cannot be ignored. Employee turnover will reach critical proportions as all the great and talented people have moved on.

Do not be that person – the world does not need another “Boss”.

Instead choose to be a Conscious Leader – this is what the world needs more of.

Leaders with a different mindset, who are humble and kind. They believe in giving all the credit to those who deserve it and taking all the blame when things do not work out as planned. A conscious leader recognizes that connection, communication, and collaboration is the success formula that creates strong teams and powerful companies. They pride themselves on working with their employees, earning their trust and respect, and being part of the team – not lording power over them with a ruler’s mindset.

Be this person – the world needs more Leaders.

Leaders who recognize and appreciate their team, who fosters their development, who builds upon their strengths and helps them grow from their weaknesses. They treat everyone with humanity, believing kindness and fairness greater motivators than harshness and selfishness.

Be this person – the world needs more Leaders.

This Leader is the person everyone wants to work with. The person everyone is willing to show up and produce for, going above and beyond in their performance. The leader that builds great teams, where talented and dedicated people serve for many years.

The Leader everyone talks about, tells their friends and family about, and more importantly shares with clients, vendors, and prospects.

Be this person – the world needs more Leaders.

The leader who creates, cultivates, and consistently supports others, who in return, accomplishes more than any Boss. The person people know, like, and trust – where they are excited to join forces because there is no chaos, no unnecessary stress, no toxic culture, and no desire to leave the Leader and company that appreciates their hard work and efforts.

Be this person – the world needs more Leaders.

The leader that sets the example for others to follow. The change agent forging new paths and new ways of doing business. The thought leader who is invested in growth and development, recognizing there is a better model, a better way to help people be successful, to thrive, and to live and work in harmony.

A culture, an environment that supports serenity while igniting the fire of excellence from the inside out.

Be this person – the world needs more Leaders.

Melissa Stephens